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Work Comp Insights: Impact of AI

Impact of Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Workers' Compensation

Recent years have seen artificial intelligence (AI) surge in popularity. Such technology encompasses machines, computer systems and other devices that can simulate human intelligence processes. 换句话说, 这项技术可以执行各种通常与人类大脑相关的认知功能, 比如观察, 学习, 推理, interacting with its surroundings, problem-solving and engaging in creative activities.

Applications of AI technology are widespread, but some of the most common include computer vision solutions (e.g., drones), natural language processing systems (e.g., chatbots), and predictive and prescriptive analytics engines (e.g., mobile applications). This technology has the potential to change many aspects of the workplace, especially as it pertains to preventing and managing occupational injuries. 结果是, 实施这种技术可能会对组织的员工补偿计划产生重大影响.

本文提供了有关利用人工智能技术解决员工受伤问题的更多信息, bolster recovery processes and minimize overall workers’ compensation expenses.

Addressing Employee Injuries

When employees get injured on the job, prompt treatment is critical. 幸运的是, 人工智能技术可以快速识别工作场所事故和相关伤害发生的时间.g., computer vision tools detecting an employee slipping and falling on the floor), paving the way for speedy response measures. 具体地说, this technology can help organizations address employee injuries in the following ways:

  • Providing fast diagnoses—When workplace incidents arise, 人工智能技术能够利用先进的成像和扫描技术快速诊断员工的伤害, 允许这些工人获得所需的医疗援助,并尽快进行治疗.
  • Improving assessment accuracy—Apart from the ability to diagnose employees’ injuries, AI technology is equipped with immense data analysis capabilities. This means it can break down complex medical information with ease. 像这样, 这项技术通常可以比人类医生更深入地了解员工的状况, resulting in more accurate medical assessments.
  • Creating personalized treatment plans—After injured employees have received their diagnoses and medical assessments, it’s important for them to proceed with proper treatment. 人工智能技术能够审查员工独特的医疗记录和受伤特征,从而生成满足个人需求的定制治疗计划. In turn, this expedites and enhances recovery outcomes.

Bolstering Recovery Processes

In addition to helping organizations initially address employee injuries, AI technology can prove valuable throughout these workers’ recovery journeys, 为他们提供必要的资源和支持,使他们能够及时恢复健康和恢复工作. Here’s an outline of ways such technology can bolster recovery processes:

  • Offering real-time monitoring—When paired with wearable devices and sensors (e.g., smartwatches), 人工智能技术可以实时评估受伤员工,并监控他们的康复进度, providing doctors with immediate feedback and permitting them to respond accordingly.
  • Adjusting treatment plans as needed根据受伤员工的康复进度和从类似情况中恢复的医疗记录, 人工智能技术可以继续修改个性化的治疗计划,并提供针对工人具体情况最有效的康复技术的研究建议.
  • Implementing advanced rehabilitation solutions-人工智能技术还可以通过自动化某些康复组件来优化受伤员工的康复结果. 例如, workers recovering from spinal cord injuries can use AI-powered exoskeletons, which are wearable robotic devices that could enable them to regain their balance, 协调, strength and—in some cases—ability to walk at faster rates. 另外, 从截肢损伤中恢复的员工可以利用人工智能嵌入式系统获得假肢部件的3D设计或接受自适应组织和肌肉辅助, thus helping them restore their mobility.

Minimizing Workers’ Compensation Expenses

完全, 人工智能技术可以通过预防和减轻潜在的索赔来帮助组织减少员工的总赔偿费用. In particular, this technology can cut costs in the following ways:

  • Investigating claims-人工智能技术可以利用复杂的编码能力和数据分析策略来审查工人的赔偿要求,并对相关的职业伤害进行深入调查. 从那里, such technology can help identify key causes of workplace incidents, distinguish primary diagnoses for claims, 发现受伤员工可能的合并症,并确定与治疗相关的费用驱动因素. Based on these results, AI technology can highlight incident trends and injury patterns, 提供指导,帮助组织防止将来发生类似的索赔,并在此类索赔发生时做出更具成本效益的决策.
  • Selecting ideal providers—Medical services and treatment options can vary between health care providers. While claims adjusters may suggest certain doctors for treating injured employees, these providers may not offer the highest-quality care. 人工智能技术依靠历史数据和预测分析,为受伤工人的特定情况推荐表现最好的供应商, allowing them to receive the best possible care and experience optimal recovery outcomes. According to the latest industry data, 使用人工智能技术将受伤的员工引导到高质量的供应商,可以帮助组织将工人的赔偿索赔成本降低高达45%. 
  • Detecting treatment anomalies— By taking a closer look at treatment records related to workers’ compensation claims, AI technology can recognize potential anomalies, 例如通常不需要这些类型服务的伤害的程序或药物管理. 这可以帮助受伤的员工避免不必要的治疗,并保护组织免于产生与此类服务相关的额外工人赔偿费用.
  • Reducing claim complexity-行业研究显示,多达80%的工伤索赔涉及不需要医疗专家治疗的轻伤. 然而,一些组织将受伤的员工直接送到这些专家那里治疗大多数职业病. 人工智能技术可以让组织轻松确定是否需要专科治疗, 帮助他们在恢复过程中节省时间和金钱,防止工人的赔偿要求变得过于复杂.


人工智能技术可以通过促进更大的伤害检测和反应措施,帮助组织改善工人的赔偿计划, advanced recovery methods and cost-effective claims management protocols. 进一步, 这项技术可以为组织提供限制员工伤害所需的资源,并在相关的工人索赔开始之前就停止.

不过, AI technology can be costly to implement and continues to evolve, carrying the potential for unknown risks. 例如, 人工智能相关的责任问题和数据隐私暴露已成为整个就业领域日益关注的问题. With this in mind, organizations should consult trusted experts (e.g., 法律顾问和保险专业人士),并在采用人工智能技术之前评估其具体的工人补偿计划需求.

本报告并非详尽无遗,任何讨论或意见也不应被视为法律建议. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. © 2023 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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